c++ - writing in memory after reserving and committing memory using virtualAlloc -

i new c++. have written c++ code (visual basic c++) reserves , commits memory using virtual alloc following https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa366803%28v=vs.85%29.aspx . problem need write whole page have pattern 'a'.should use loop or memcopy or memmove ? have used getsysteminfo page size 4096. how can it. have modify chunk?

for (i=0; < pagelimit*dwpagesize; i++) {     __try     {         // write memory.          lpptr[i] = 'a';     } 

any appreciated.

neither memcpy or memmove seems suited task @ hand.

obvious choices memset, std::fill, std::fill_n, or for loop.

of those, memset works if , if want fill memory char-sized items. personally, i'd use std::fill_n.


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