Include dygraphs in Jekyll-run site from R -

is possible include dygraphs chart or of other js-object supported jekyll-run site r?

i've tried different variants (rmd -> md or rmd -> html) no success. best outcome have, dyghraphs included html-code doesn't show on page (example: there working examples of jekyll-run site dygraphs included rmd-files?

i think jekyll skipping "libs" directory that's in _posts folder. (i'm pretty sure it's designed not process sub directories under "_posts".) fix move libs folder , update links point new location. example:

  1. move "_posts/libs" folder 1 directory it's sitting next "_posts".

  2. add "/" front of urls <script src="libs/... links call docroot. should like: <script src="/libs/....

  3. add "/" front of urls <link href="libs/... links call docroot. should like: <link href="/libs/.....

that's main fix. but, there bug too. in _posts/2015-05-15-dygraphs-test.html file, there call to:

<script src="libs/dygraphs-binding-0.4.1/dygraphs.js"></script> 

but version 'dygraphs-binding' version in current libs directory 0.4.3. tried changing directory name , worked me. (i.e. "/libs/dygraphs-binding-0.4.3/dygraphs.js" becomes "libs/dygraphs-binding-0.4.1/dygraphs.js"). better line up, @ least working.


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