java - remove last comma of dynamic jTextFields -

i getting value of dynamically added jtextfield using code:


    component[] children = jpanel1.getcomponents(); // iterate on subpanels... (component sp : children) {     if (sp instanceof subpanel) {         component[] spchildren = ((subpanel)sp).getcomponents();         // iterate on jtextfields...         (component spchild : spchildren) {             if (spchild instanceof jtextfield) {                 string text = ((jtextfield)spchild).gettext();                 system.out.println(text);             }         }     } } 

output text file got: text1,text2,text3,

now appeared next problem - "last comma". found guava can solve problem, due less experience couldn't implement. if possible give me advice or suggestion.

thank in advance.

use stringjoiner:

stringjoiner joiner=new stringjoiner(","); (component spchild : spchildren) {                          if (spchild instanceof jtextfield) {         string text = ((jtextfield)spchild).gettext();         joiner.add(text);     } } outfile.write(joiner.tostring()); 


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