php - Error with image display -

please check below code , me out if going wrong in image display code
untitled document

    <body> <p>how display image</p> <p>image not seeingd</p>      <?php      $con=  mysql_connect("localhost","root","");      $d=  mysql_select_db("matrimonial",$con);         $id=$_request['id'];         $sql  = "select * advertiesment s_no ='1'" or    die(mysql_error());     $result = mysql_query($sql,$con);      if($rows=mysql_fetch_assoc($result))     {        $image = $rows['filepath'];      echo "<img style='width:150px;height:150px' src='$image'>";      echo "<br>";     }     ?><p>how display image</p>     </body>     </html>   


the condition bad. if have more results sql query,you need use while.

while ($rows = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {... 

if have one, remove if:

$rows = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); echo ... 


$image = $rows['filepath'] . '/' . $rows['filename']; 


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