Excel create date stamp when an cell is updated -

i have excel sheet has 'last updated' field in column n. need make automatic update todays date, whenever status in column h changed row.

can on simple solution?

thank in advance! kriss

enter image description here

include following event macro in worksheet code area:

private sub worksheet_change(byval target range)   dim rng range, r range, h range   set h = range("h:h")   set rng = intersect(h, target)   if rng nothing exit sub    application.enableevents = false   each r in rng     cells(r.row, "n").value = date   next r   application.enableevents = true end sub 

because worksheet code, easy install , automatic use:

  1. right-click tab name near bottom of excel window
  2. select view code - brings vbe window
  3. paste stuff in , close vbe window

if have concerns, first try on trial worksheet.

if save workbook, macro saved it. if using version of excel later 2003, must save file .xlsm rather .xlsx

to remove macro:

  1. bring vbe windows above
  2. clear code out
  3. close vbe window

to learn more macros in general, see:




to learn more event macros (worksheet code), see:


macros must enabled work!


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