ranking - Rank formula-type in LimeSurvey -

i have 4 formula type questions in limesurvey resultants integers


q-1=23  q-4=19  q-7=45  q-9=24 

i need find greatest number , related question #

in case greatest # 45 , question # q-7

i have been reading expression manager documentation having no luck

thank you

well, if have hyphens in question codes must using outdated version of limesurvey. solution current version (2.05) , assumes there cannot duplicates in formula questions...

for sake of simplicity, lets give formula questions codes q1, q2, q3 , q4.

create new "equation" type question (let's call "maxval") equation.

{max(q1, q2, q3, q4)}

then can use nested ifs display highest formula question code (line-breaks inserted clarity):

{if(q1 == maxval, 'q1', if(q2 == maxval, 'q2', if(q3 == maxval, 'q3', if(q4 == maxval, 'q4', '' ))))}


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