c++ - Overloading operators in a Rectangle Class -

my program not run , giving me error messages. @ first, forgot place semicolon after } in header file. went , added 1 visual studio keeps giving me errors.

please ignore part 2c below:

enter image description here

enter image description here

link error messages : http://pastebin.com/s11rs1du

 #ifndef rectangle_h #define rectangle_h using namespace std;   // class declaration class rectangle {     private:          double length;          double width;      public:          rectangle();          rectangle(double, double);          rectangle operator-(rectangle &);         rectangle operator*(rectangle &);         friend istream& operator>>(istream &, rectangle &); };  #endif  #include "stdafx.h"  #include <iostream>  #include "rectangle.h"  using namespace std;   // default constructor rectangle::rectangle() {     length = 0;      width = 0;  }  // constructor  rectangle::rectangle(double len, double wid) {     length = len;      width = wid;  }  // overload - operator  rectangle rectangle::operator-(rectangle &otherrect) {     rectangle temp;      temp.length = this->length - otherrect.length;     temp.width = this->width - otherrect.width;      return temp; }  // overload * operator rectangle rectangle::operator*(rectangle &otherrect) {     rectangle temp;      temp.length = this->length * otherrect.length;     temp.width = this->width * otherrect.width;      return temp; }  // overload cin operator istream& operator>>(istream &is, rectangle& r) {     // prompt user length     cout << "enter length: ";     >> r.length;      // prompt user width     cout << "enter width: ";     >> r.width;      return is; }  #include "stdafx.h"  #include "rectangle.h"  #include <iostream>  using namespace std;   int main() {     rectangle r1(3,5);     rectangle r3, r4, r5, r6;     rectangle r2(r1);               // copy constructor      cin >> r2;                      // read in value r2 , overloaded      r3 = r1 – r2;     cout << r3;      r4 = r1 * r2;     cout << r4;      system("pause");       return 0;  

this student 982217279. please ignore message of instructors come across post. have been advised avoid type of plagiarism issues.

you have 2 problems. first didn't declare or define insertion operator. using here:

cout << r3; 


cout << r4; 

your second problem seems line try subtract 2 rectangles on has character isn't minus symbol:

r3 = r1 – r2 //      ^this isn't subtraction, it's hyphen or something.  r3 = r1 - r2 //      ^see difference? 

after adding insertion operator overload, , fixing minus symbol, code compiled.


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