rCharts/Highcharts reversedStacks not working in R -

i want reverse order of stacking in column plot using highcharts rcharts. found yaxis.reversedstacks in api did not manage work within r. have idea?

library(data.table) library(dplyr) library(rcharts)  mydata <- data.table(xaxis = c(0,1,0,1),                      value = c(0.6,0.8,0.4,0.55),                      type = c("a", "b"))  plot <- rcharts:::highcharts$new() plot$chart(type = "column")  plot$plotoptions(column = list(stacking = "normal"))  (.type in unique(mydata$type)) {   .currdata <- mydata %>%     filter(type == .type)  #   .productionplot$series(name = .type, data = .currdata$availability,  #                          type = "line", yaxis = 1, stack = .type, #                          marker = list(enabled = false))    plot$series(name = .type, data = .currdata$value,                type = "column") }  # jfiddle of api page: # http://api.highcharts.com/highcharts#yaxis.reversedstacks # # yaxis: { #   reversedstacks: false # }, # should work this:  plot$yaxis(reversedstacks = false)  plot 

the answer question itself. had update packages. in rcharts version 0.4.2 did not work. in version 0.4.5, does.


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