java - How to Sort WebElements in a ArrayList in WebDriver? -

please how sort below piece of code find max,min , average ? want navigate question has views , use selenium take screen shot of question's page using home page sample page

list<webelement> views = driver.findelements(by.xpath("//*[@class='mini-counts']/span")); system.out.println("size = " + views.size());  string maxvalue = "maxvalue after sorting"; for(int i=2;i< views.size();i+=3){     if(views.get(i).gettext().equals(maxvalue)){         views.get(i).click();         file scrfile = ((takesscreenshot)driver).getscreenshotas(outputtype.file);         fileutils.copyfile(scrfile, new file(system.getproperty("user.dir")+"\\screenshots\\"+"most_views.png"));     } 

you can use comparator, create comparator class like

public class viewcomparator implements comparator {      @override     public int compare(webelement w1, webelement w2) {        // extract view count webelement , compare     } } 

and use

collections.sort(views, new viewcountcomparator()); 

this sort list based on view count , can take first/last webelement min/max value.


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