javascript - How can i change the negative numbers to 0 from my webpage -

i'm trying convert or disable negative numbers 0 on

website appear when select products on column 'unidad minima' , 'unidad maxima'for example 10 or more each one.

i've tried using format number jquery plugin didn't work in case.

there code webpage.

$("tr.txtmult").each(function () {     var $val3 = $('.val3', this).val();     cantidadesminimas = (8260 - cantidadfinal) / $val3;     cantidadesmaximas = (12390 - cantidadfinal) / $val3;      $('.val5', this).html(cantidadesminimas.tofixed(0));     $('.val6', this).html(cantidadesmaximas.tofixed(0)); });  $("#cantidadmin").html(8260 - cantidadfinal.tofixed(0)); $("#cantidadmax").html(12390 - cantidadfinal.tofixed(0)); 


some comment apreciated.


you use short if else this:

$('.val5', this).html((cantidadesminimas < 0 ? 0 : cantidadesminimas)); 


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