javascript - How do I use JObject if the names are slightly different? -

i have jobject following:

var jobject =  {"" : 1, "" : "nameschedule"} 

the above using javascript return id's , values of textboxes in mvc form in view.

in controller using c#, convert schedule object has following properties:

public class schedule {      public int id {get;set;}      public string name {get;set;}  } 

i cannot

schedule sched = jsonobject.toobject<schedule>(); 

because names different properties on jobject prepended 'schedule'.

is there query or way conversion allows me remove 'schedule' in jsonobject such can simple conversion in 1 line?

one simple way working use jsonproperty attribute specify json key want map c# property:

public class schedule  {      [jsonproperty("")]      public int id {get;set;}       [jsonproperty("")]      public string name {get;set;} } 

then can use jsonconvert.deserializeobject deserialize json schedule instance:

var schedule = jsonconvert.deserializeobject<schedule>(json); 



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