ajax - Populate Textbox with Session Variable When Opening New Window -

i attempting populate textbox in new window session variable parent window using ajax call. when using fiddler, receive 200 message, however, when ran code, i'm getting 500 error.

i aware ajax call returning alert entire json result @ point because haven't gotten step pull session variable yet.

please offer additional solutions pull session variable parent window.

my js parent follows:

function openrelateditems(reportid) {     window.open('../webuserprovider/reportlibraryview.aspx?r='+ reportid,'mywin','left=50,top=50,location=no,resizable=yes, status=yes, scrollbars=no, titlebar=no, channelmode=no, directories=no');     return false; } 

my js window popup follows:

function callajaxmethod() {     $.ajax({          type: "get",         url: "reportlibraryview.aspx/getsetsessionvalue",         contenttype: "application/json; charset=utf-8",         datatype: "json",         success: function (response) {             alert(response.d);         }     }); }  $(function () {     var value = callajaxmethod();     var b; }); 

my codebehind ajax call follows:

    [system.web.services.webmethod (enablesession = true)]     public static string getsetsessionvalue()     {         return httpcontext.current.session["appealno"].tostring();     } 


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