oracle11g - How to connect Oracle 11G database using SQL developer from another computer in a LAN connection -

i new in database , learning oracle 11g. so, not have deep knowledge on it.

i have several computers in lab connected via lan. oracle 11g installed in computer-a( want use database other computers in lab via sql developer installed computers.

would please explain

  1. what need in computer-a granting access other computers?
  2. what need in other computers getting access computer-a?

i grateful if 1 gives me proper solution.

  1. what need in computer-a granting access other computers?

you need make sure listener , running accept remote connection requests. listener.ora sql*net configuration file used configure oracle database listeners. find in oracle_home\network\admin directory.

for example,

listener =   (description_list =     (description =       (address_list =         (address = (protocol = tcp)(host = hostname)(port = 1521))       )     )   )  sid_list_listener =   (sid_list =     (sid_desc =       (global_dbname = orcl)       (oracle_home = /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0)       (sid_name = orcl)     )   ) 

as mentioned host, need put in hostname.

  1. what need in other computers getting access computer-a?

you need install oracle database client. if want connect remote db server, install instant client.

if using sql developer, use:

  • basic connection type


  • tns connection type

in basic connection type, need provide connection details in connection properties itself. using tns connection type, need configure tnsnames.ora file present in oracle_home\network\admin directory.


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