iOS Publishing a like on object not working - Facebook -

using sample code facebook documentation, not working

fbsdkgraphrequest *request = [[fbsdkgraphrequest alloc]                            initwithgraphpath:@"/{object-id}/likes"                                   parameters:nil                                   httpmethod:@"post"]; [request startwithcompletionhandler:^(fbsdkgraphrequestconnection *connection,                                   id result,                                   nserror *error) { // handle result }]; 

it gives *

error =         {             code = 100;             message = "(#100) parameter url required";             type = oauthexception;         }; };* 

facebook gives 2 different implementation 'liking' custom object.

1 here :

and other 1 here.

its code in second link works

nsdictionary *params = @{   @"object": @"", }; /* make api call */ fbsdkgraphrequest *request = [[fbsdkgraphrequest alloc]                                initwithgraphpath:@"/me/og.likes"                                       parameters:params                                       httpmethod:@"post"]; [request startwithcompletionhandler:^(fbsdkgraphrequestconnection *connection,                                       id result,                                       nserror *error) {     // handle result }]; 


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