java - Internet Explorer WebDriver Null Pointer Exception -

i trying run test using cross browser tool (using ff, chrome , ie). ff , chrome work fine, can't internet explorer work, keeps giving me null pointer exception (images included). far have tried using ie 11 backing 10 , have backed 9 doesn't seem compatibility issue. have tried updating pom file multiple versions (2.42, 2.42.2, 2.43, 2.432, 2.44 , 2.45) version 2.45 runs both chrome , firefox. have included code in attachment. out of ideas not sure else do. image below shows code believe correct set before test. calling correct file path , have instantiated driver ie. can't pose image because first question on here , won't let me post until repuation @ 10. have tried descriptive possible , appreciated.



the value of internetexplorer in pom file mentioned internetexplorer whereas while instantiating using ie. replace ie internetexplorer in java file or vice versa


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