ios - How to load data in UITableView cell from structure -

i trying load data structure table view cell, created custom cell 3 label in it. have 3 text field in view controller , add button want when fill these 3 text field , press add store these 3 values in structure , reload data of table view. structure in other file.

here code structure in datamaster.swift

struct jobdata {     var companyname:array<string> = ["ram"]     var job:array<string> = ["shyam"]     var desc:array<string> = ["dfdf"]  } 

code addbutton function

@ibaction func addbuttontapped(sender: anyobject) {          var company = txtcompname.text         var job = txtjob.text         var description = txtdesc.text          data.companyname.append(company)         data.desc.append(description)         data.job.append(job)         self.jobtableview.reloaddata()         print(data.companyname)         txtcompname.resignfirstresponder()         txtjob.resignfirstresponder()         txtdesc.resignfirstresponder()     } 

the problem in code

func tableview(tableview: uitableview, cellforrowatindexpath indexpath: nsindexpath) -> uitableviewcell {         var cell  = tableview.dequeuereusablecellwithidentifier("cell", forindexpath:indexpath) jobtableviewcell         cell.complabel.text = data.companyname[indexpath.row]         cell.joblabel.text = data.job[indexpath.row]         cell.desclabel.text = data.desc[indexpath.row]         return cell     } 

when reaches code load data in table crashes thread 1:exc_breakpoint(code=exc_i386_bpt,subcode=0x0)

ui design

here below code.

struct jobdata {     var companyname:string!     var job:string!     var desc:string! } 

take array var datas = [jobdata]()

now in action method

    @ibaction func addbuttontapped(sender: anyobject) {              var company = txtcompname.text             var job = txtjob.text             var description = txtdesc.text              let dataobject = jobdata(company: company, job: job, desc: description)             datas.append(dataobject)             self.jobtableview.reloaddata()             txtcompname.resignfirstresponder()             txtjob.resignfirstresponder()             txtdesc.resignfirstresponder()         }  in cellforrowatindex method      func tableview(tableview: uitableview, cellforrowatindexpath indexpath: nsindexpath) -> uitableviewcell {             var cell  = tableview.dequeuereusablecellwithidentifier("cell", forindexpath:indexpath) as! jobtableviewcell             let data = datas[indexpath.row] if let companyname = data.companyname  {        cell.complabel.text = companyname } if let job = data.job  {         cell.joblabel.text = job } if let descr = data.desc  {        cell.desclabel.text = descr }            return cell } 

in numberofrowsinsection method return datas.count check why data.companyname empty , make sure text field have text.


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