Python looping in list with if condition not working -

i trying loop in list called sizelist , check condition. code not returning right values. knows problem might be?

overavg = 0 overtre = 0  avgsize = np.mean(sizelist)  in sizelist:     if >= avgsize:         overavg += 1  treshold = raw_input("enter size treshold: ")  t in sizelist:     if t >= treshold:         overtre += 1   print overavg print overtre  key, value in pktdict.iteritems():     sizevalue = [value]     sizelist.append(sizevalue) 

working code:

for key, value in pktdict.iteritems():         sizevalue = value         sizelist.append(sizevalue)  avgsize = np.mean(sizelist)  in sizelist:     if >= avgsize:        overavg += 1  treshold = int(raw_input("enter size treshold: "))  t in sizelist:     if t >= treshold:         overtre += 1  print overavg print overtre 

you need convert input size int, otherwise comparing lexical value rather numerical. also, comment see list has list of size 1 in each field, need flatten (or initialize list 1d in first place):

import numpy np overavg = 0 overtre = 0 sizelist = [[4],[7],[43],[5],[54],[7],[4],[5]] # formatted because op's list sizelist = [item[0] item in sizelist] avgsize = np.mean(sizelist)  in sizelist:   if >= avgsize:     overavg += 1  treshold = int(raw_input("enter size treshold: "))  t in sizelist:   if t >= treshold:     overtre += 1   print overavg print overtre 


enter size treshold: 5 2 6 

in code, you're creating list 1 item each iteration, while should doing this:

for key, value in pktdict.iteritems():     sizelist.append(value) 


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