java - How do i encrypt password in three layers , SHA1, base64 encode and salt -

i want encrypt , decrypt password high security . first, string password converted sha1 , want add base64 encode , lastly add salt it.

is doable in java?

i have sample code encode in base64 , sha1 not sure how combine them all.

here snippet:

    string password = "password";     base64encoder encoder = new base64encoder();     encryptedpassword = encoder.encode(password.getbytes()); 

using sha1:

    messagedigest md = messagedigest.getinstance("sha-1");     md.reset();     md.update(password.getbytes());     system.out.println(new string(md.digest())); 

please suggest .

these things have think of when playing around salts:

  1. generate long random salt using csprng.
  2. prepend salt password , hash standard cryptographic hash function such sha256.

you need append generated salt (generated cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generator) password , hash sha-1.

since sha-1 hash algorithm, can't decode it. if need encrypt password, may read aes or rsa

i suggest reading article, salted password hashing - doing right, part the right way: how hash properly, if still want hash password properly.


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