Deploying Laravel workbench projects through composer -

i've created several private repos i'm working on through laravel 4.2's workbench feature.

how composer install/update git submodules in workbench dir on production server when updates vendor dir main project?

why force composer ?.

i guess have following project pattern.

project - a have many private repo (submodules). eg: can add blog module(individual private repo) submodule project - a .


git submodule add path_to_private_repo_for_blog  workbench/vendor_folder/blog. 

once created individual repo submodule above. can update using following command.

git pull && git submodule foreach git pull origin master 

so can update , deploy project -a following command.

git pull && git submodule foreach git pull origin master && git add -a && git commit -m 'updated pakages' && git push && envoy run update 

hope make sense..


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