c# - StackExchange.Redis Lazy connection configuration -

i'am trying implement redis cache service stackexchange.redis library.

my redis client:

public class redisclient     {         private static lazy<connectionmultiplexer> lazyconnection = new lazy<connectionmultiplexer>(() =>         {             return connectionmultiplexer.connect(string.format("{0},{1}",                         configurationmanager.appsettings.getstringordefault("redis_masters", "someip1:6379"),                         configurationmanager.appsettings.getstringordefault("redis_slaves", "someip2:6379")));         });          public static connectionmultiplexer getconnection         {                         {                 return lazyconnection.value;             }         }     } 

and try connection in way:

using (var redis = redisclient.getconnection) {     ... } 

i exception: "it not possible connect redis server(s); create disconnected multiplexer, disable abortonconnectfail. unabletoresolvephysicalconnection on ping"

i tried add configuration connection this:


and exception: "valuefactory attempted access value property of instance."

my connection redis worked fine enother library : "stackexchange.redis" try migrate "servicestack.redis" missing?

use password in configuration



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