c - call strings by pointers in functions (syntax) -

i trying write function checks if string palindrome, think have mistakes in using pointers strings. wrong code?

#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h>  #define max 1000  int ispalindrome(char *);  void main(){     int i;     char *string[max], *string2[max];     gets(string);      for(; *string!=null; ++string){         toupper(string);         if(isspace(string)==1  || isalnum(string)==0 )             for(string2=string; *(string2 +1)!=null ;++string2)                 *string2=*(string2 +1);     if(ispalindrome(*string)==1)         printf("yes");     else         printf("no");     return 0; }  int ispalindrome(char *string){     size_t p;     static int i;     p=strlen(string) -1;     if( *string!= *(string+p-i))         return 0;     if(string>=string +p -i)         return 1;      else{         ++i;         return ispalindrome( *(string+1)) ;      } } 

your code written if sting type char * should turn

char *string[max], *string2[max]; 


char buffer[max] ; char *string = buffer ; char buffer2[max]; char *string2 = buffer2 ; 


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