javascript - How to insert multiple rows with a parameter? -

i trying insert multiple rows in sqlite using ionic framework. single row insert in working fine.

even if run

 insert categories (category_id, category_name,category_type) values (1,"test",1),(2,"test again", 2);  

this working fine. when try create dynamic string gives me error "could not prepare statement (1 near "?": syntax error)".

.success((function (result) {                  var query = "insert categories (category_id, category_name,category_type) values ?";                  var data = [];                  result.foreach(function (category) {                          data.push([, category.category_name, category.category_type]);                      });     $cordovasqlite.execute(db, query,[data]).then(function (res) {          console.log("inserted");      }, function (err) {    console.dir(err);     }); 

add multiple parameters insert, in test query (the first mentioned), pass arguments 1 dimensional array:

.success((function (result) {                  var query = "insert categories (category_id, category_name,category_type) values ";                  var data = [];                  var rowargs = [];                  result.foreach(function (category) {                          rowargs.push("(?, ?, ?)");                          data.push(;                          data.push(category.category_name);                          data.push(category.category_type);                      });                  query += rowargs.join(", ");     $cordovasqlite.execute(db, query,[data]).then(function (res) {          console.log("inserted");      }, function (err) {    console.dir(err);     }); 

this code produce query like:

insert categories (category_id, category_name,category_type) values (?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?); 

and data array of size 12, every 3 entries in array 1 row of data inserted.

those numbers example , depend on size of result.


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