php - highchart point is not in right location -

i'm making line chart highcharts , data retrieve mysql. code:

<?php        $query = "select distinct idchip datatable ";      $result = mysql_query( $query );      $rows = array();      $count = 0;       while( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) ) {           $table = array();           $query2 = "select datetime,temperature datatable idchip=".$row['idchip'].' ';          $query3 = "select datetime datatable idchip=".$row['idchip'].' group datetime asc';          $timeresult = mysql_query($query3);              while($datatime  = mysql_fetch_array($timeresult))             {                 $newtime .= $datatime['0'].',';                   $newcates .= "'".$datatime['0']."',";             }               $total= explode(",", $newtime);             array_pop($total);             $count = 0;              $dataresult = mysql_query($query2);             while($datarow = mysql_fetch_array($dataresult))             {                  $data = '';                 //$datatimes = '';                  $datatimes .= $datarow['0'].',';                  //$stringtime .= $datatimes;                   $timetotal = explode(",",$datatimes);                  array_pop($timetotal);                 echo count($total).' |';                  //echo count($timetotal).' |';                 //echo $timetotal[$count]." |";                 $data .= (integer)$datarow['1'].',';                 $stringdata .= $data;                  }          $newstring = $stringdata ;         //$total = '';         //$newtime = '';         $stringdata = '';         $stringtime = '';          //$stringcates = '';         //echo $newstring;         $namedata = "{name:'chip ".$row["idchip"]."',data:[$newstring]},";         $getall .= $namedata;       }       $serries = 'series: [ '.$getall.' ]';      $xaxis = 'xaxis: { categories:['.$newcates.']},';   ?> 

and want show on chart, node data chip 7 must on "it must here" location:


so guys saw data not on right point, because of data array not in location. need add "null," $newstring have string: null,null,[my data show] -> these null node me have data in right location. can , can't me this, please me. want add 'null,' string when time yaxis different xaxis data point show correctly.


this database:

                id  idchip  datetime       signal temperature edit    delete  1   5   2015-05-12 08:24:40     +   29 edit    delete  12  5   2015-05-12 08:23:40     +   031 edit    delete  3   6   2015-05-12 08:27:55     +   29 edit    delete  4   7   2015-05-12 08:26:01     +   50 edit    delete  5   5   2015-05-12 08:25:12     +   28 edit    delete  6   6   2015-05-12 08:28:32     +   29 edit    delete  7   6   2015-05-12 08:24:42     +   30 edit    delete  8   5   2015-05-12 08:27:58     +   29 edit    delete  9   5   2015-05-12 08:26:02     +   31 edit    delete  10  5   2015-05-12 08:26:13     +   29 edit    delete  11  5   2015-05-12 08:26:53     +   32 


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