angularjs - Configure automatically Angular value provider -

my angular spa app has value provider. provider injected controllers. @ deployment time, manually comment/uncomment value used. wonder if there way automatically toggle values base on web.config mechanism? thanks.

'use strict';    // demonstrate how register services  // in case simple value service.  angular.module('', [])    .value('version', '5.0')    //local iis7  //.value('mywebapiendpoint', 'http://localhost/cmt data service/api/')    //staging iis  .value('mywebapiendpoint', '')    //production iis  //.value('mywebapiendpoint', '')

instead of using hard coded value, add following angular value provider module in _layout.cshtml

<script>    angular.module("")      .value("version", '@system.configuration.configurationmanager.appsettings["appversion"]')      .value("webapi1endpoint", '@system.configuration.configurationmanager.appsettings["webapi1endpoint"]')      .value("webapi2endpoint", '@system.configuration.configurationmanager.appsettings["webapi2endpoint"]')  </script>

section in _layout.cshtml


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