python - Git P4 under Cygwin: Submit fails with "Patch does not apply" -

i'm attempting use git-p4 under cygwin. "clone" , "rebase" parts of workflow appear working correctly, unable "submit". i'm guessing may have line-ending convention. i've looked @ this git-p4 issue , linked items, manipulations of line-ending , whitespace configuration far unsuccessful. items of note in configuration:

(1) i'm using bash shell function trick paths work correctly:

$ type p4 p4 function p4 ()  {      p4=`which p4`;     pwd=$(cygpath -wa .) "${p4}" "$@" } 

(2) i've tried settings git's autocrlf value -- result failure regardless of (true,false,input). attempting "false" makes sense when diff-ing against depot.

(3) i've played p4 clientspec's lineend values; attempting "unix", b/c of cygwin , p4 sandbox server running under osx.

the test simple. repo contains 1 file, foo1. depot version looks (output using od -c):

0000000   f   o   o   1  \n  \n 0000006 

the locally-git-committed version looks like:

0000000   f   o   o   1         s       t   h   e       o   n   e   ! 0000020  \n  \n 0000022 

i've added additional diagnostic output applycommit() method in git-p4. in conjunction running submit using --verbose:

 $ git p4 submit --verbose  reading pipe: git name-rev head  reading pipe: ['git', 'config', 'git-p4.allowsubmit']  reading pipe: git rev-parse --symbolic --remotes  reading pipe: git rev-parse p4/master  reading pipe: git cat-file commit ce414288d1b5d52dbad20c1a29f1875cfff7c281  reading pipe: git cat-file commit head~0  reading pipe: git cat-file commit head~1  reading pipe: ['git', 'config', 'git-p4.conflict']  origin branch remotes/p4/master  reading pipe: ['git', 'config', '--bool', 'git-p4.useclientspec']  opening pipe: ['p4', '-g', 'where', '//depot/foo/...']  perforce checkout depot path //depot/foo/ located @ c:\git\foo\  synchronizing p4 checkout...  ... - file(s) up-to-date.  opening pipe: p4 -g opened ...  reading pipe: ['git', 'rev-list', '--no-merges', 'remotes/p4/master..master']  reading pipe: ['git', 'config', '--bool', 'git-p4.skipusernamecheck']  reading pipe: ['git', 'config', 'git-p4.detectrenames']  reading pipe: ['git', 'config', 'git-p4.detectcopies']  reading pipe: ['git', 'config', '--bool', 'git-p4.detectcopiesharder']  reading pipe: ['git', 'show', '-s', '--format=format:%h %s', '2303176ae8c575313616ae2c4a35358258742598']  applying 2303176 updating foo1  opening pipe: p4 -g users  reading pipe: ['git', 'log', '--max-count=1', '--format=%ae', '2303176ae8c575313616ae2c4a35358258742598']  reading pipe: git diff-tree -r  "2303176ae8c575313616ae2c4a35358258742598^" "2303176ae8c575313616ae2c4a35358258742598"  //depot/foo/foo1#1 - opened edit  sanity: git diff-tree --full-index -p "2303176ae8c575313616ae2c4a35358258742598" | git apply --verbose --check -  checking patch foo1...  error: while searching for:  foo1    error: patch failed: foo1:1  error: foo1: patch not apply  unfortunately applying change failed!  reading pipe: ['git', 'config', '--bool', 'git-p4.attemptrcscleanup']  //depot/foo/foo1#1 - edit, reverted 

note "sanity:" diagnostic line. value of trypatchcmd fails within applycommit() method. if execute first part of statement @ bash command line, see:

 2303176ae8c575313616ae2c4a35358258742598  diff --git a/foo1 b/foo1  index 630baf44b0874b3319c2814399f0b03106912183..4c23e4512b3347ec31068e464b64cbd99851cc9a 100644  --- a/foo1  +++ b/foo1  @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@  -foo1  +foo1 one! 

piping second part of command results in no error. perplexed why command fails when executed using os.system() in python script succeeds otherwise. thoughts?

i believe i've solved this. problem two-fold. first cardinal sin -- not reading manual carefully. documentation in submit section states:

submitting changes git repository p4 repository requires separate p4 client workspace. should specified using p4client environment variable or git configuration variable git-p4.client. p4 client must exist, client root created , populated if not exist.

it took time through head meant two physical working copies -- 1 git, 1 p4. git-p4 script choking on trying perform git , p4 operations in same folder, , such in-place operations don't play perforce's checkout model. discovered performing same test workflow on mac, errored [more clearly] "cannot clobber writable file". twiddling "clobber" in p4 clientspec able submit in both mac , cygwin work, , put me on right trail.

there's detailed walkthrough on setting dual workspace structure @ this perforce page.

second: interestingly, still appear require --ignore-whitespace part of git apply logic in cygwin environment. that's git-p4 hack willing live with.


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