android - Installed java 64 bit but still gettin error opening eclipse -

i using java 32 bit , eclipse juno 32 bit till installed java 64 , eclipse luna 64 bit on os windows 7 64bit.

i getting error when try open eclipse.enter image description here

i have looked @ many solitions none of them worked.

my console when asked java version shows. enter image description here

and my

java_home set c:\program files (x86)\java\jdk1.7.0_05

jdk_home set c:\program files (x86)\java\jdk1.7.0_05

and java folder in programs(x86) folder enter image description here

the version shown in console 1.7.0_79 , version in error message not same.where going wrong?

your java_home , jdk_home still pointing 32bit version. must change them 64 bit version or edit eclipse.ini following command:

-vm [path 64 bit jdk] 


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