windows phone 8.1 - WP8.1 transparent gradient -

if use linear gradient way in wp 8.1:

<grid height="20">   <grid.background>      <lineargradientbrush endpoint="0.5,1" startpoint="0.5,0">         <gradientstop color="transparent" offset="0"/>         <gradientstop color="black" offset="1"/>      </lineargradientbrush>   </grid.background> </grid> 

i picture this:

linear gradient

when understand right, due deficient in alpha value transition. windows xaml there markupextensions, fix issue, windowsphone cannot use markupextensions.

is there solid workaround, satisfies needs this?

(and yes, should transparent, should fade out scrollbar on bottom , scrollbar has content of different colors. can trick around making "transparent" color color of surrounding.)

okay guess problem white color...?

the problem transparent same #ffffff full transparency, in argb notation #00ffffff. want transparent #000000, in argb notation #00000000.

using argb notation, guess looking for:

<grid height="20">   <grid.background>      <lineargradientbrush endpoint="0.5,1" startpoint="0.5,0">         <gradientstop color="#00000000" offset="0"/>         <gradientstop color="#ff000000" offset="1"/>      </lineargradientbrush>   </grid.background> </grid> 


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