c# - Modular Programs in Framework of Larger Program -

i developing testing software in c# various problem solving strategies. program follows general structure of following:

user chooses series of “strategy modules” user chooses number of “worlds” user tells program run “scenario” created depending on how strategy module decides interact world. final performance of scenario tabulated given objective set of grading criteria.

each “world” datafile contains whole mess of information delineated time (think of table noting state of world per second). world immutable, no action taken “strategy module” affects data in this, “strategy module” can see row-by-row.

each “strategy module” has specific set of rules how observes “world” , how reacts (along taking few user inputs parameters affect how this). each strategy module must stored in separate file (not compiled directly program), can updated/modified/deleted without updating framework of program running them.

the way see it, strategy modules little mini-programs (also written in c# , compiled) chosen openfiledialog, passed stream of “world” , records interaction on “scenario”. however, i’m unsure how have “drop-in” program that. how accomplish this? thanks.

have tried looking @ microsoft's managed extensibility framework (mef)? created scenarios have framework you're going building on.


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