sql server 2008 - Select all days from a table missing some dates -

i have table data below, , i'm trying sum column b , group day. works great. days have no data in table @ all. want show these days having sum 0, i'm bit confused on how there.

date,  column b 05/24/90, 5 05/24/90, 27 05/26/90, 19 05/27/90, 24 

what want have in end is

05/24/90, 32 05/25/90, 0 05/25/90, 19 05/27/90, 24 


something should work:

declare @mindate date = (select min([date]) yourtable); declare @maxdate date = (select max([date]) yourtable);  cte_dates (     select @mindate dates     union     select dateadd(day,1,dates)     cte_dates     dates < @maxdate )  select  a.dates,         sum(isnull(b.[column b],0)) cte_dates left join yourtable     on a.dates = b.dates group a.dates 


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