sql - XQuery retrieval of a value -

i have following t-sql determines if row exists using 2 criteria:

declare @x xml = '     <row parentid="45" objectid="0" node="root.local.navigation[7]" itemkey="page" itemvalue="confirmation" itemtype="string" />     <row parentid="45" objectid="0" node="root.local.navigation[7]" itemkey="visited" itemvalue="false" itemtype="bool" />'  select @x.exist('/row[@node eq "root.local.navigation[7]"] , /row[@itemvalue eq "confirmation"]') 

question: given above select, how can select second row's itemvalue? i.e. since there's row node="root.local.navigation[7]" , itemvalue="confirmation", return itemtype value in row node same , itemkey="visited"?

how this:

declare @x xml = ' <row parentid="45" objectid="0" node="root.local.navigation[7]" itemkey="page" itemvalue="confirmation" itemtype="string" /> <row parentid="45" objectid="0" node="root.local.navigation[7]" itemkey="visited" itemvalue="false" itemtype="bool" />'  select case when @x.exist('/row[@node eq "root.local.navigation[7]"] , /row[@itemvalue eq "confirmation"]') = 1      @x.value('/row[@node eq "root.local.navigation[7]" , @itemkey eq "visited"][1]/@itemtype', 'varchar(50)')  end item_type 


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