regex - How to add a TLD check to a RegExp? -

i'm using regexp below find links in string. need extend check domain tlds (.com, travel, .name, etc).

var str = "check or or or or";  var filter:regexp = /((https?:\/\/|www\.| |\*)[äöüa-z0-9\-\:\/]{1,}+\.[\*\!\'\(\)\;\:\@\&\=\$\,\?\#\%\[\]\~\-\+\_äöüa-z0-9\/\.]{2,}+)/gi  var matches = str.match(filter)  if (matches !== null) { trace("found: " + matches); } else { trace("nothing found"); } 

i think needs [.com|.travel|.name] how implement it?

i think it's lot easier in 2 steps.

  1. find links @ moment.
  2. from matched strings, isolate domain separate pattern (a dot followed letters) , check if results of match (if there any) in tld list. (indexof() example, depending on list have, or use result pattern match list))


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