css - How to control primefaces default component size -

i had issue while using p:sticky p:panel , have fixed width size p:panel.

that code:

<p:panel id="scrolltopid" style="height: 21px; position:static; top: auto; width:99.4%;">......</p:panel>  <p:sticky target="scrolltopid"/> 

after loading page <p:panel> had width:99.4% when scroll p:panel reach top , automatically width size getting high width:99.4%.


element.style  {     height: 21px;     position: static;     top: auto;     width: 1290.17px;     z-index: 1005; } 

any idea fix width gave width:99.4%?

it takes 99.4% of width of parent container, dependend on value of value of css position. if either changes due being sticky on top, can see behaviour.

use browser developer tool firebug see changes , originates from.

i'm afraid have advanced css behave want (this in fact not pf issue)


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