c++ - Fail to use function template with array as parameter inside a class -

i created function template. works fine if use in functions. now, i'd use inside class can't make code compile:

#include <qlist>  // function template template <typename t> void array2qlist(qlist<t> &outlist, const t in[], int &insize) {     (int = 0; < insize; ++i)         outlist.append(in[i]); }  // class using template     class parser { public:     parser(const unsigned char buffer[], const int numbytes){         array2qlist<>(frame, buffer, numbytes); // 1 fails     }     ~parser(){}     qlist<unsigned char> frame; };  // main int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {     int size = 50;     unsigned char buffer[size];      qlist<unsigned char> frame;      array2qlist<unsigned char>(frame, buffer, size); // 1 works      parser parser = parser(buffer, size);     return 0; } 

the error is:

..\sandbox\main.cpp: in constructor 'parser::parser(const unsigned char*, int)':

..\sandbox\main.cpp:20: error: no matching function call 'array2qlist(qlist&, const unsigned char*&, const int&)'

note: must arrays since interface usb driver.

array2qlist<>(frame, buffer, numbytes); 

here, numbytes const int, array2qlist takes int&. can't bind non-const reference that's const. it's unclear why taking parameter reference, if pass value instead, it'll work.

template <typename t> void array2qlist(qlist<t> &outlist, const t in[], int insize){ //                                     rid of &  ^ 


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