How to implement Google Analytics v4 on a Project in Android Studion imported from legacy Eclipse ADT -

my legacy application project doesn't have application class. so, official document doesn't help.
don't know following code should go:

/**  * enum used identify tracker needs used tracking.  *  * single tracker enough purposes. in case need multiple trackers,  * storing them in application object helps ensure created once per  * application instance.  */ public enum trackername {   app_tracker, // tracker used in app.   global_tracker, // tracker used apps company. eg: roll-up tracking.   ecommerce_tracker, // tracker used ecommerce transactions company. }  hashmap<trackername, tracker> mtrackers = new hashmap<trackername, tracker>(); 

and these code:

synchronized tracker gettracker(trackername trackerid) {   if (!mtrackers.containskey(trackerid)) {      googleanalytics analytics = googleanalytics.getinstance(this);     tracker t = (trackerid == trackername.app_tracker) ? analytics.newtracker(property_id)         : (trackerid == trackername.global_tracker) ? analytics.newtracker(r.xml.global_tracker)             : analytics.newtracker(r.xml.ecommerce_tracker);     mtrackers.put(trackerid, t);    }   return mtrackers.get(trackerid); } 

i have imported these libs of googleanalytics.

enter image description here

but still can't import libs this way:


and, because using android studio 1.2 beta3, the tutorial based on eclipse not suit case.

is there simple way implement google analytics on android app? initialising in ios?

(bool)application:(uiapplication *)application didfinishlaunchingwithoptions:(nsdictionary *)launchoptions {   [gai sharedinstance].trackuncaughtexceptions = yes;   [gai sharedinstance].dispatchinterval = 20;   [[[gai sharedinstance] logger] setloglevel:kgailoglevelverbose];   [[gai sharedinstance] trackerwithtrackingid:@"ua-xxxx-y"]; } 

the simples complete implementation of analytics on android requires:

  1. link google play services (it looks have done)
  2. add required network permissions in app manifest.
  3. extend android application class, override oncreate , set app class implementation in <android name='you_app_class'> name attribute.
  4. in oncreate create new tracker , keep in static var tracker = googleanalytics.getinstance(context).newtracker(); enable automatic reporting screens, exceptions, etc.
  5. register analyticsreceiver & analyticsservice in application manifest.

google analytics has github project simplest analytics hello world all. show bare minimum needed correct reporting on android.


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