mongodb - Custom action in the edit view of sonata admin Bundle -

i'm working sonata admin bundle , want add custom action in edit view ( update update , close or delete). searched, didn't find solution. did before in list view. have tried make same thing in case following answer sonataadmin custom form action not work , got error

could not load type "actions" when add

->add('_action', 'actions', array(         'actions' => array(             'view' => array('template' => 'atsadminbundle:crud:form__action_confirmation.html.twig')             )         ))     ; 



any 1 can me plz ?

this because configureformfields() doesn't accept entry. can in configurelistfields().

if want add action in edit form, buttons: "update", "update , close" or "delete", have override following template:


copy file in app/resources/sonataadminbundle/views/crud

and add action in {% block formactions %}, this:

{% if admin.hasroute('view') %}     <a class="btn btn-success" href="{{ admin.generateobjecturl('view', object) }}">view</a> {% endif %} 

this example point right direction. have adapt it.

good luck!


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