javascript - Fade element out and fade in data from Array - jQuery -

i have 4 div items on page, i'm trying inner html of these items fade out randomly, take row array , fade in - in place, make sense?

// items repopulate faded out info  var testimonialsarray = [     "<div class='change'><h1>box 5</h1><p>lorem ipsum</p></div>",      "<div class='change'><h1>box 6</h1><p>lorem ipsum</p></div>",      "<div class='change'><h1>box 7</h1><p>lorem ipsum</p></div>",      "<div class='change'><h1>box 8</h1><p>lorem ipsum</p></div>",      "<div class='change'><h1>box 9</h1><p>lorem ipsum</p></div>"  ];  // find random div , fade out  var order = math.floor((math.random()* $('.change').length )+1);  $('.box').eq(order).find('.change').fadeout();  .......fade in new data array row

based on think wanted do:

var order = math.floor((math.random()* $('.change').length ));  $('.box').eq(order).find('.change').fadeout(function(){    $(this).html(testimonialsarray[math.floor((math.random()* testimonialsarray.length))]).fadein(); }); 



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