javascript - Extract outerHTML variable from $table -

i have not been able find information this, forgive lack of knowledge. created table using code below, want use table jquery plugin in order need print out table, mean

<table>   <tr>   .   .   . 

i not sure how text. tried printing $table console, gives me object , properties. part of object outerhtml, need. can extract outerhtml? can stringify or print text $table without being object?


var columns = ["username","user_id","address","state","postal_code","phone","email"];  var level_classes = {"new":"new_client", "renewal":"renewing_client", "current":"current_client"};  $(document).ready( function() {     $.getjson("obtainusers.php", function(data) {         var $table = $('<table style="width: 100%;">');         var $tbody = $('<tbody>');         $table.append($tbody);         var $tr = null;          data.foreach(function(user, index){             if(index % 4 === 0) {                 $tr = $('<tr>');                 $tbody.append($tr);             }             $td = $('<td class="'+level_classes[user.level]+'">');             columns.foreach(function(col){                 $td.append(user[col]);                 $td.append($('<br>'));             });             $tr.append($td);         });         $('.runninglist').append($table);     }); }); 

use .html() print outerhtml node. @ted.


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