audio - getDuration() gives 0 output for one file in Android App -

my app loads 2 audio files database , stores them in array. user can play of them selecting 1 radio button group. both mp3. 1 playing fine , it's elapsed , total duration displaying correctly. same functions display 00:00 total duration other. seek bar updates progress 100% in case elapsed time correctly displaying , audio playing fine. please tell problem? why happening.. , how can resolve it??

audio_urdu's time fine.. error audio_eng.

    private void updateview(int i) throws jsonexception  {     idx=0;     _imgbtnplay.setclickable(false);     _imgbtnstop.setclickable(false);      jsonobject jobject=null;     jobject=jarray.getjsonobject(i);     audiourl_eng=jobject.getstring("audio_eng");     audiourl_urdu=jobject.getstring("audio_urdu");      lbl_tduration.settext("00:00");     lbl_cduration.settext("00:00");     lbl_loading.settext("loading audio files...");     loadaudio(audiourl_eng); }  // loading audio files url private void loadaudio(string url)  {     // todo auto-generated method stub     mmediaplayer=new mediaplayer();     mmediaplayer.setaudiostreamtype(audiomanager.stream_music);      try     {         mmediaplayer.setdatasource(url);         mmediaplayer.prepareasync();     }     catch(ioexception e)     {         e.printstacktrace();     }     catch (illegalargumentexception e)      {         e.printstacktrace();             }     catch (illegalstateexception e)      {         e.printstacktrace();     }      mmediaplayer.setonpreparedlistener(this); }  // notify when audio ready played @override public void onprepared(mediaplayer mp)  {     // todo auto-generated method stub       audioplayerlist[idx]=mp;      idx++;      if (idx == 1)      {          audioplayer = mp;          lbl_tduration.settext(msectotimer(mp.getduration()));          lbl_cduration.settext(msectotimer(mp.getcurrentposition()));          updateseekbar();           loadaudio(audiourl_eng);      }      if (idx == 2)      {          // enabling media control buttons          _imgbtnplay.setclickable(true);          _imgbtnstop.setclickable(true);          rdgrp.setclickable(true);           lbl_loading.settext("");          idx = 0;      } }  public void onclick(view v)  {     switch(v.getid())     {         // calling search function         case             onsearchrequested();             break;          // when play/pause button tapped         case             if (audioplayer.isplaying())             {                     audioplayer.pause();                     _imgbtnplay.setimageresource(r.drawable.ic_action_play);             }             else if (audioplayer!=null)             {                 audioplayer.start();                 _imgbtnplay.setimageresource(r.drawable.ic_action_pause);                 durationhandler.postdelayed(updateseekbartime, 100);             }             break;          // when stop button tapped         case             audioplayer.pause();             _imgbtnplay.setimageresource(r.drawable.ic_action_play);             resetprogress();             break;          default:                 break;     }  // updating seek bar's time after every 100 milliseconds public void updateseekbar()  {     durationhandler.postdelayed(updateseekbartime, 100); }  // updating progress of seek bar private runnable updateseekbartime = new runnable() {     public void run()     {         long tduration = audioplayer.getduration();         long cduration = audioplayer.getcurrentposition();          lbl_tduration.settext(msectotimer(tduration));         lbl_cduration.settext(msectotimer(cduration));          int progress = (int) getprogresspercentage(cduration, tduration);         _seekbar.setprogress(progress);         durationhandler.postdelayed(this, 100);     } };  // converting milliseconds min:sec format public string msectotimer(long ms) {     string finaltimerstring = "";     string secstring = "";     string minstring = "";      // convert total duration minutes , seconds     int min = (int)(ms % (1000*60*60)) / (1000*60);     int sec = (int) ((ms % (1000*60*60)) % (1000*60) / 1000);      // prepending 0 seconds if 1 digit     if(sec < 10)         secstring = "0" + sec;     else         secstring = "" + sec;      // prepending 0 minutes if 1 digit     if(min < 10)         minstring = "0" + min;     else         minstring = "" + min;      finaltimerstring = minstring + ":" + secstring;     return finaltimerstring; }  // calculating percentage progress of seek bar public int getprogresspercentage(long cduration, long tduration) {     double percentage = (double) 0;     long cseconds = (int) (cduration / 1000);     long tseconds = (int) (tduration / 1000);      percentage =(((double)cseconds)/tseconds)*100;     return percentage.intvalue(); }  // converting progress of seek bar time duration in milliseconds public int progresstotimer(int progress, int tduration)  {     int cduration = 0;     tduration = (int) (tduration / 1000);     cduration = (int) ((((double)progress) / 100) * tduration);     return cduration * 1000; }  // reseting progress of seek bar when stop button tapped public void resetprogress()  {     audioplayer.seekto(0);     lbl_cduration.settext(msectotimer(0));     _seekbar.setprogress(0); } 

i have 1 audio in english , 1 in urdu language. both in array audioplayerlist. user can select different languages using radio buttons. , idx variable tells audio file played. audio_eng on index 0 (idx = 0) , audio_urdu on index 1 (idx = 1). audio selected audioplayer = audioplayerlist[idx]

code radio button selection this:

rdgrp.setoncheckedchangelistener(new oncheckedchangelistener()     {         @override         public void oncheckedchanged(radiogroup group, int checkedid)          {             // find radio button selected             if (audioplayer!=null)             {                 if(audioplayer.isplaying())                     audioplayer.pause();                 _imgbtnplay.setimageresource(r.drawable.ic_action_play);                 resetprogress();                  if (checkedid ==                          audioplayer = audioplayerlist[0];                 else if (checkedid ==                         audioplayer = audioplayerlist[1];             }         }     }); 

duration of file 'audio_eng' might less 1 second. when calculating percentage convert milliseconds seconds results in 0 total length. that's why progress bar set 100% beginning (actually, exception might thrown in case - did check that?).

when calculatng percentage try not convert xdurationinto xseconds divide durations in method getprogresspercentage.

i couldn't find other reasons why such result


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