java - Text Segmentation using Gate -

i trying write own program using java in order segment set of text files sentences. have make search on available nlp tools , found gate couldn't use segment using pipeline.

  1. any ideas how limit functionality of pipeline
  2. any piece of codes can me write program

adapted different answer:

import gate.*; import gate.creole.serialanalysercontroller; import; import java.util.*;  public class segmenter {     public static void main(string[] args) throws exception {         gate.setgatehome(new file("c:\\program files\\gate_developer_8.0"));         gate.init();         regitergateplugin("annie");          serialanalysercontroller pipeline = (serialanalysercontroller) factory.createresource("gate.creole.serialanalysercontroller");         pipeline.add((processingresource) factory.createresource("gate.creole.tokeniser.defaulttokeniser"));         pipeline.add((processingresource) factory.createresource("gate.creole.splitter.sentencesplitter"));          corpus corpus = factory.newcorpus("segmentercorpus");         document document = factory.newdocument("text segmented.");         corpus.add(document);          pipeline.setcorpus(corpus);          pipeline.execute();          annotationset defaultas = document.getannotations();         annotationset sentences = defaultas.get("sentence");          (annotation sentence : sentences) {             system.err.println(utils.stringfor(document, sentence));         }          //clean         factory.deleteresource(document);         factory.deleteresource(corpus);         (processingresource pr : pipeline.getprs()) {             factory.deleteresource(pr);         }         factory.deleteresource(pipeline);     }      public static void regitergateplugin(string name) throws exception {         gate.getcreoleregister().registerdirectories(new file(gate.getpluginshome(), name).touri().tourl());     } } 


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