visual studio 2013 - The target "TransformAll" does not exist in the project T4 transformation MSBuild -

i want transform t4 templates using msbuild, found this link. when running:

msbuild solution.sln /t:transformall

i following error "the target "transformall" not exist in project".

the same happens if try compile single project. no matter if open vs tools console or regular console , msbuild path.

what missing?

the following output (i'm affraid in spanish... sorry cannot that):

c:\idb-git\idb.all>msbuild idb.all-main.sln /t:transformall /p:configuration=debug /p:platform="any cpu" microsoft (r) build engine, versión 12.0.31101.0 [microsoft .net framework, versión 4.0.30319.34209] copyright (c) microsoft corporation. todos los derechos reservados.  los proyectos de esta solución se van compilar de uno en uno. para habilitar la compilación en par alelo, agregue el modificador "/m". compilación iniciada las 11/05/2015 04:37:44 p.m.. proyecto "c:\idb-git\idb.all\idb.all-main.sln" en el nodo 1 (transformall destinos). validatesolutionconfiguration:   compilando la configuración de soluciones "debug|any cpu". validateprojects:   el proyecto"idb.presentation.tests" no se seleccionó para la compilación en la configuración de s   oluciones "debug|any cpu". c:\idb-git\idb.all\idb.all-main.sln.metaproj : error msb4057: el destino "transformall" no existe e n el proyecto. [c:\idb-git\idb.all\idb.all-main.sln] compilación del proyecto terminada "c:\idb-git\idb.all\idb.all-main.sln" (transformall destinos) --  error.   error al compilar.  "c:\idb-git\idb.all\idb.all-main.sln" (transformall destino) (1) ->   c:\idb-git\idb.all\idb.all-main.sln.metaproj : error msb4057: el destino "transformall" no existe  en el proyecto. [c:\idb-git\idb.all\idb.all-main.sln]      0 advertencia(s)     1 errores  tiempo transcurrido 00:00:00.15 

you not have microsoft.texttemplating.targets imported project file. targets file provides transformall target. without import target not exist , msbuild error if try invoke target.

if refer documentation included in target file @ c:\program files (x86)\msbuild\microsoft\visualstudio\v12.0\texttemplating\microsoft.texttemplating.targets (visual studio 2013 path) details how include target in project.

using targets file

to use targets file:

1) import targets file project adding appropriate <import ...> e.g. <import project="$(msbuildextensionspath)\microsoft\visualstudio\v$(visualstudioversion)\texttemplating\microsoft.texttemplating.targets" />

this import statement must included after standard vb/c# targets import, appends $(builddependson) property.


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