matlab - How to do bitwise operation decently? -

i'm doing analysis on binary data. suppose have 2 uint8 data values:

a = uint8(0xab); b = uint8(0xcd); 

i want take lower 2 bits a, , whole content b, make 10 bit value. in c-style, should like:

(a[2:1] << 8) | b 

i tried bitget:


but gave me separate [1, 1] logical type values, not scalar, , cannot used in bitshift operation later.

my current solution is:

  1. make a|b (a or b):

    temp1 = bitor(bitshift(uint16(a), 8), uint16(b));

  2. left shift 6 bits rid of higher 6 bits a:

    temp2 = bitshift(temp1, 6);

  3. right shift 6 bits rid of lower zeros previous result:

    temp3 = bitshift(temp2, -6);

putting these on 1 line:

result = bitshift(bitshift(bitor(bitshift(uint16(a), 8), uint16(b)), 6), -6); 

this doesn't seem efficient, right? want (a[2:1] << 8) | b, , takes long expression value.

please let me know if there's well-known solution problem.

that or equivalent addition when dealing integers

result = bitshift(bi2de(bitget(a,1:2)),8) + b; 


a = 01010111 b = 10010010  result =       00000011            100010010        = a[2]*2^9 + a[1]*2^8   +       b 

an alternative method be

result = mod(a,2^x)*2^y + b; 

where x number of bits want extract a , y number of bits of a , b, in case:

result = mod(a,4)*256 + b; 

an alternative solution close c solution:

result = bitor(bitshift(bitand(a,3), 8), b); 


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