php - Error onclick button code wrong? -

i have onclick on button not working properly.

<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="button" onclick=\'websiteopen("'.$site->page_id.'","fb"), popupcenter("'.$site->facebook.'","website", "'.$site->id.'", "'.$site->title.'", 1000,500,"fb");jqxalert.alert("verifying..<img src=\''>");$(this).fadeout().delay(4100).fadein();\'><b class="glyphicons thumbs_up" style="height:8px;vertical-align:baseline;padding:2px 9px"><i></i></b> '.$lang['sp17'].'</a> 

it wrong in part of code:

jqxalert.alert("verifying..<img src=\''>"); 

what issue?

you formatting wrong, needs follows:

<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="button" onclick="jqxalert.alert('verifying...')">     <img src="_template/images/load.gif" height="16px"> </a> 

edit: answer assumes code above using plugin behaves in similar manner window.alert(); similar ->


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