java - Trouble writing 's into a .txt file, using FileOutputStream -

the problem when read string , then, try write each characters in separate line, .txt file, although system.out.println show correct characters, when write them .txt file, 's write weird characters instead. illustrate, here example: suppose have line second subject’s layout of same 100 pages. , want write .txt file, using following code:

public static void write(string swrite) throws ioexception {    if(!file.exists()){      file.createnewfile();    }    fileoutputstream fop=new fileoutputstream(file,true);     if(swrite!=null)    for(final string s : swrite.split(" ")){      fop.write(s.tolowercase().getbytes());      fop.write(system.getproperty("line.separator").getbytes());    }         fop.flush();    fop.close();        } 

the written file word, subject's: subject̢۪s. have no idea why happens.

try following. frees having deal character encoding.

printwriter pw = null;  try {   pw = new printwriter(file);    if (swrite!=null)     (string s : swrite.split(" ")) {       pw.println(s);     }   } } {   if (pw != null) {     pw.close();   } } 


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