git - How to do "go get" on a specific tag of a github repository -

i trying compile influxdb database (version v0.8.8) using go

but pulls master branch, , need v0.8.8 tag.

i have tried do: go fails saying unable find.

i tried regular go get of master branch, , manually checking out tag using git in gopath/src/github... in order set corret version.

the problem using last approach when try pull dependencies go -u -f ./... tries find them in master branch, , of them not exist on master branch...

tl;dr: perform go get on specific github tag, , pull correct dependencies.

it not possible using go get tool. instead need use third party go package management tool or create own forks packages wish manage more fine grained.

spoke guy works @ google , acknowledged problem/requirement, said vendoring team used bulky , solve official tools soon.

read more:

vendoring in go

vendoring has been released experimental in go 1.6 (after post written) makes process of using specific tags / versions of packages using third party tools easier. go get still not have functionality fetch specific tags or versions.

more how vendoring works: understanding , using vendor folder


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