javascript - How to open different link in new tab with different popup buttons -

i'm using button open ajax html popup , link onclick @ same time. problem have several buttons placed on page , each button want open different links appreciated

heres html code

<a href="test.html" class="ajax-popup-link">     <button type="button" style="background:green;float:right;">         activate      </button> </a> 

heres javascript function

<script src="../assets/jquery.magnific-popup.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() {    $('.ajax-popup-link').magnificpopup({        type: 'ajax',        overflowy: 'scroll',        closeoncontentclick: false     });     $('.ajax-popup-link').click(function(){"/some-link.html");     }); });</script> 

in click function, reference href attribute instead of hard coding link. idea prevent browser's default behaviour on link click:

$('.ajax-popup-link').click(function(e){  e.preventdefault();$(this).attr("href")); }); 


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