Excel Make conditional formmating appear as a list in a cell -

i have dataset , have 2 extreme numbers use conditonal formatting work out if numbers in data set dont fit criteria, in formula use below.


im wondering way of making list of cells dont fit criteria appear list, in cell.

for example, if had list of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 , 2 numbers 3 , 7 fromula gerneate output:


enter following user defined function in standard module:

public function makealist(rng range, u long, l long) string   dim r range, s string   each r in rng     if r.value < l or r.value > u       s = s & "," & r.value     end if   next r   makealist = mid(s, 2) end function 

and use range of values:

enter image description here


the first argument range of values.
the second argument upper limit.
the third argument lower limit.

user defined functions (udfs) easy install , use:

  1. alt-f11 brings vbe window
  2. alt-i alt-m opens fresh module
  3. paste stuff in , close vbe window

if save workbook, udf saved it. if using version of excel later 2003, must save file .xlsm rather .xlsx

to remove udf:

  1. bring vbe window above
  2. clear code out
  3. close vbe window

to use udf excel:


to learn more macros in general, see:




and specifics on udfs, see:


macros must enabled work!


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