css - Different Browsers are displaying HTML differently -

i working on html code, old code not used seeing. made small change code, moved save button, when display in each of browsers im testing on, firefox,chrome,ie different. firefox displaying way want enter image description here

but other 2 displaying same page, same exact code incorrectly. ie enter image description here

chromeenter image description here

here code, please let me know has gone wrong im not sure how fix issue. thanks!

    <div id="textdefaults" runat="server">     <div>     <asp:button id="btnsubmittextdefaults" text="save" runat="server" height="29px" style="margin-left: 900px" width="64px" onclick="btnsubmittextdefaults_click" onclientclick="savelanguage();" />     </div>     <div class="atab">         <asp:updatepanel id="uptextdefaults" runat="server" updatemode="conditional">             <contenttemplate>                 <div class="atab">                 <tagupdate:textdefaults id="mytextdefaults" runat="server" />                     <asp:updateprogress id="updateprogress3" runat="server">                         <progresstemplate>                             <div class="progress">                             <asp:image id="imgtextdefaults" runat="server" imageurl="~/bannerlink/images/ajax-loader-big.gif" />saving...                             </div>                         </progresstemplate>                     </asp:updateprogress>                 </div>             </contenttemplate>             <triggers>                 <asp:asyncpostbacktrigger controlid="btnsubmittextdefaults" eventname="click" />             </triggers>         </asp:updatepanel>     </div>    <br /> </div> 

actually happening parent div not wrapped till last element.

make parent div style below,

#containercontent {     width: 992px;     text-align: left;     clear: both;     /* margin-left:auto;     margin-right:auto; */    display: inline-block;   }  

and add div mentioned below last element inside '#containercontent' div.

<div style="clear: both;"></div> 

this div wrap parent element till last element exists , style corrected browsers.


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