tomcat - spring-boot + JSF. Views *.jsf working properly but *.xhtml not -

i'm using spring boot jsf (primefaces). here can find sample of application. when invoke application using mvn spring-boot:run , access application with jsf or with xhtml works ok. when deploy application tomcat, xhtml page not rendered properly. can see page source (xhtml source, not html), not wanted. want able display same .jsf , .xhtml.

can tell me missing?


as reviewd this issue , not helpfull (i have *.xhtml mapping faces servlet , wrote before, working on spring-boot embedded tomcat not on classic tomcat), think problem more related spring configuration, i'm not sure , change.


problem in spring config. add file

@bean public viewresolver getviewresolver() {     internalresourceviewresolver resolver = new internalresourceviewresolver();     resolver.setprefix("/view/");     resolver.setsuffix(".xhtml");     return resolver; } 


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