xamarin - FluentLayout and control Min/Max Height -

is there way define min/max height of ui element fluentlayout?

my situation this:
enter image description here

black uiview must atleast 50px high. if of it's child controls (red uiview or bigtextuilabel) exceedes 50px - must stretch accomodate content.

if define constraints:

blackview.above(table), blackview.height().greaterthanorequalto(50), blackview.height().greaterthanorequalto().heightof(redview)  

blackview stretch on whole screen (if table empty). on other hand if change constraints:

blackview.above(table), blackview.height().greaterthanorequalto(50), blackview.height().equalto().heightof(redview)  

redview stretched height of red wiew (in example) equal height of black view. first , second uilabels wont in center of black uiview.

i couldn't find examples on priority or fullheightof. tell truth don't know how works.


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