Parse a Json String to create a new custom object c# -

i returning json string webmethod in webforms , want take json string , parse custom order objects.

i have class:

public class order {     public string item { get; set; }     public string color { get; set; }     public string qty { get; set; }     public string size { get; set; } } 

and webmethod:

[webmethod] public static string sendorder(string json) {     list<order> orders = new list<order>();      return json; } 

i passing string:

{     json: [         {             "item":"nike polo #286772 - women's dri-fit micro pique short sleeved polo",             "size":"xl",             "color":"light blue",             "quantity":"3"         },         {             "item":"port authority women's jacket #l790 - black",             "size":"medium",             "color":"black",             "quantity":"3"         }     ] } 

i want loop through string , creating new orders.

what best way this?

that json little oddly formatted maps following classes (using

public class json {     public string item { get; set; }     public string size { get; set; }     public string color { get; set; }     public string quantity { get; set; } }  public class rootobject {     public list<json> json { get; set; } } 

i'm not sure why have top-level variable named json, whatever.

at point use deserialize structure.


if want rename object json order you'll need use attribute that. don't recall name off top of head should easy find in documentation.


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